25 May 2007

Rise Above

Rise above.

Two simple words, a whole new world.

Rise above.

I have taken to telling myself, "rise above," every time that I become overwhelmed by work or my suspicion that Mercy Ships' has a PR obsession and I cannot explain in words how effective and LIFE CHANGING the action has become. I'm a huge advocate of saying "rise above," at any and every opportunity currently, solely for it's uplifting qualities.

I never really bought into the whole changing your perspective on your circumstances thing, but I've got to say, that's exactly what I've done and it's made a world of difference. Dang it, I totally just lost my train of though because I looked to my right and saw the most amazingly beautiful girl I've ever met. Where was I?

Rise above.

That's right. Seriously, I'm trying to get it to be the official, un-official motto of the Africa Mercy. I hope it catches on. I've been drilling it into my people at work, they're actually catching onto it, if only in a sarcastic way, it's still on their minds. I think you should give it a try; rise above your circumstances and see the world around you for what it really is, see it through God's eyes.

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