20 September 2007

Resolve and Dr. T F Chen

I feel like I think this every time I remember that I have a blog:

"I need to post more often so that this blog isn't a total waste."

I'm taking a stand. Viva a la revolution!! I'm shooting for a post a day regarding what I'm thinking about, which will prove to be quite an eclectic collection of science, religion, culture, and procrastination in the form of over-organizing everything.

The first of many to come:

Gawker Artist, Dr. T F Chen.
Category: Culture

After reading Francis Schaeffer's The God Who is There, I have found modern art and culture far more interesting. I used to enjoy nice looking art, but rarely took a liking to the edgier stuff. With Schaeffer's perspective of what artist's like Van Gogh and Picasso were thinking and what this logical implications of the views they were expressing were, I have found a new desire to understand their perspective so that I can help people find what they are looking for.

Back to Doc Chen, the guy makes some really neat art. I like it. I like it for two reasons: A. It is aesthetically pleasing. B. It is designed to communicate something meaningful. While I don't necessarily agree with the conclusions that Dr. Chen makes, or the solutions he is suggesting, I feel the need that he is addressing. He has established a philosophy that is very interesting, though I haven't found it to be complete. I think he makes a good step towards truth in his "Five Dimensional Cultural Philosophy."

However, from a few minutes of googling to find out about his religious stance, I uncovered a discrete association of Dr. Chen and the Unification Church, which has some rather erroneous doctrine about Zachariah (John the Baptist's father) being the biological father of Jesus (making Jesus an illegitimate child). While this religious organization is concerned with the idea of love, I'm afraid that they're leadership is not in touch with reality, or truth for that matter.

While I hold love to be supremely valuable, I also value the truth. Both can (actually, they must) coexist within the same worldview. I do understand why Chen would be drawn to such a group, as they have an overarching desire to accept and tolerate people from various cultures.

ahh, I better stop here or I won't be able to sleep! I'll save it for another post.


Anonymous said...

While I hold love to be supremely valuable, I also value the truth.

Well said. Many well meaning people are being caught in Moon's web. Moon wants a world run from Korea, lead the "religious" who are under the influence of Moon and his organization. Moon tried to get the United Nations to add a theocratic body to its structure - when they didn't do as Moon wished he created his own UN, the Universal Peace Federation, which is the culmination of Moon's life long effort at influencing the planet, to bring it under his direction. The UPF goes around talking the "peace" game when in fact it is conning people into signing up to help Moon with his lifelong plans.

Bit by bit adding credibility and acceptance to Moon, his political organizational fronts like the UPF's is the goal.

Moon not only teaches that Jesus Christ failed, he mocks Christ. He says he told God that He could trust him - that he(Moon) would never cry like Jesus did in the garden. Moon claims Jesus serves his dead son in heaven and that Jesus could not reach heaven without Moon's help.

quoting a review of Moon's daughter in laws book

In 1984, Moon arranged a strange ceremony in which he married his dead son's spirit to Hoon Sook Pak, the daughter of longtime Moon lieutenant Bo Hi Pak, then the publisher of The Washington Times. Moon's theology required the wedding because he believed only married individuals could enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Even Jesus needed Rev. Moon's help in this way. "In what must stand as his ultimate act of arrogance, Sun Myung Moon actually had matched Jesus to an elderly Korean woman," Nansook Hong [Moon’s x-daughter in law] wrote. "Jesus himself needed the intervention of the Reverend Moon to move through those gates" of heaven.

A 1974 copy of Moon's bible, the Divine Principle, was reviewed by a Rabbi who said it was loaded with many of examples of anti semitism. What did the moonies do? They simply changed their bible. One of their propaganda people would probably call that "tightening up."

You can find the Rabbi's article under "Misc" here.

Peace? Love? Sure…

Go here to see Moon family values in action.

Then google "moon Japan spiritual sales" and see one of the ways in which Moon funds his drive for power.

Thad Pepper said...

Thanks for that interesting information on Moon and his organization.

There is something about half truths and distortions of the truth that send a tingling feeling down my spine. So many religious organizations and leaders have become so overwhelmed by their lust for power that they have sidelined their initial desire for truth. It is such a shame when they come close to the truth and lead others into a lifestyle that so holistically defames morality and justice.